Hendrix - ISA LLC
Hendrix-ISA distributes day-old chicks directly from the global leader in today’s layer genetics, Hendrix Genetics. Hendrix-ISA is the dedicated distributor of trusted layer brands, suited to the U.S. market: Dekalb White, Shaver White, ISA Brown and Bovans Brown.
High quality customer service and chick quality lies at the core of our day to day activities. We have a committed team of staff with a wealth of technical and commercial experience. Not only do we focus on serving the U.S. market, but as part of Hendrix Genetics, the leading multi-species breeding organization, we are able to guarantee security of supply and offer a global perspective.
We are committed to investing in the U.S. layer industry by operating world class facilities. All our production bases are built with high efficiency and biosecurity in mind.
The key to our success is the extended laying cycle adopted in our breeding program. With this approach our laying hens lay more top-quality eggs for an extended period, leading to:
- Stronger and happier laying hens
- A prolonged life for each hen
- Less frequent replacements
- A more sustainable production in total
- Higher earnings for egg producers
This sustainable strategy, with its focus on animal welfare, benefits the birds, egg producers, and the environment. We are committed to delivering better breeding today, for a brighter life tomorrow.