Published on Oct. 10, 2019
Schothorst Feed Research achieves 510,7 eggs
We’re pleased to highlight another successful flock that has surpassed 500 eggs per hen housed. Schothorst Feed Research is an independent research organization, based in the Netherlands, that develops scientific and nutritional knowledge and, together with its clients, translates this knowledge into new, innovative animal feed concepts.
Schothorst Feed Research has raised a flock of Dekalb White hens to produce 510,7 eggs per hen housed in 100 weeks of age. Yet again, this shows impressive genetic potential and constantly evolving progress of the Hendrix Genetics products.
Schothorst Feed Research conducts laying hen research on both small and practical scale. Their small-scale facilities are suitable for testing feed compositions and feed strategies in conditions that are in line with the field. Their laying hen facilities give space to house approximately 25,000 laying hens. Feed producers from more than 25 countries make use of the extensive knowledge of Schothorst Feed Research. They produce together about 8% of the world’s compound feed production!
The results from Schothorst Feed Research show that with the right environment and attentive management techniques, amazing performance is well within reach for egg producers worldwide.

Flock details
Company | Schothorst Feed Research |
Breed | Dekalb White |
Housing system | Aviary |
Hatch date | 17-05-2016 |
Number of birds housed | 12650 |
Technical results
Cum. mortality during production period | 6.4 % |
No. eggs hen housed | 510.7 |
No. eggs hen day | 520.8 |
Cum. kg egg mass hen day | 31.8 |
Cum. Kg feed hen housed | 64.8 |
Grams feed per egg | 127 |
Feed conversion hen day | 2.08 |
Total no. eggs collected | 6.454.838 |