Published on Aug. 27, 2020
Schothorst Feed Research Seminar
Extended laying period for laying hens, where do we stand in 2020?
In 2009 Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) organised a symposium about the extended laying period. At that moment, we, Hendrix Genetics, stated that it would be possible to keep laying hens until 100 weeks of age with 500 eggs produced per hen housed in 2020. Now it is 2020, and indeed we have clearly demonstrated that today’s egg producers are able to keep hens until 100 weeks of age.
Schothorst feed research achieves 510,7 eggs per hen housed
This time, Schothorst Feed Research will organize again a seminar on the same topic as ten years ago, to discuss what it brought us and which challenges we still face in today’s egg production. The latest insights and developments in the field of laying hen genetics, egg quality, performance, health and welfare, economics, and the latest research performed at SFR will be presented.
Date and location
The seminar will be organised on Thursday 1 October 2020. If the situation regarding Covid-19 will not change, the venue will be the Ampt van Nijkerk. All the latest rules and restrictions regarding Covid-19 in the Netherlands will be followed.
A live streaming of the seminar will be arranged for everybody who is not able to travel or not able to meet face-to-face. During the live stream it will be possible to ask questions through a live chat.