Strategic Partnership between Vepymo and Maatman Opfok B.V.

Published on May 6, 2024

Strategic Partnership between Vepymo and Maatman Opfok B.V.

Vepymo B.V. and Maatman Opfok B.V. have agreed upon a strategic partnership regarding pullet rearing and sales activities in the Netherlands. Both parties are delighted to engage in this intensive collaboration to continue delivering high-quality Hendrix Genetics pullets throughout the Netherlands.

Vepymo is a hatchery and rearing organization in Belgium and the Netherlands, and has been a distributor of the Hendrix Genetics brands ISA, Bovans, and Dekalb since 2001.

Maatman Opfok B.V. is a part of Maatman Poultry Farm, established in 1932. Maatman Opfok focuses on the distribution of hens in the Netherlands.

For over 15 years, the two companies have closely collaborated, with Vepymo supplying day-old chicks of the aforementioned breeds.

Both companies have decided on this extensive collaboration to ensure continuity to their customers in a rapidly changing market. The management of Maatman Opfok will actively participate in integrating the activities to ensure that customers continue to receive excellent products and services. All rearing and sales activities will eventually be managed from a single organization.

"We are very pleased with this agreement with the Maatman family. This strategic move aligns with Vepymo'sambition to further expand in the North Netherlands market and strengthen our resources in delivering high-quality products, such as the Dekalb White," says Alex Janssen.

"With this transition,Maatman Opfok BV has found a strong partner with market-leading products and the expertise to seamlessly cater to market demands. Additionally, our desire to achieve good continuity for our customers, our rearers, and employees has now become a reality," says Edward Maatman.

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