Published on May 1, 2023
Latest CSR report highlights examples of progress in sustainability
We are very pleased to publish our second Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report. This report gives a detailed overview of our efforts in sustainability and the ways in which we are making a positive impact on the world.
What is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report ?
A CSR report is a periodical document used to communicate about a company’s efforts in making a positive impact on society, the environment, and their community. With increasing focus on sustainability in all sectors, a CSR report is a valuable document to clearly state how we contribute to a better world.
Contributing to a sustainable future
Hendrix Genetics has now published its second CSR report to communicate about our efforts in sustainability and how high-quality genetics are an important part of creating a sustainable food system.
The CSR report contains examples of each of our sustainability stakes. By reading the report you can expect to learn:
- Details on how decisions within our breeding program contribute to a more sustainable food system
- Definition of standards of practice in biosecurity and animal welfare that maintain a healthy environment for the animals in our care and provide safe, high-quality genetics to help feed the growing population
- Examples of how Hendrix Genetics supports employee engagement, increased employee expertise, customer collaboration, and heightened information security
- Detailed information on the impact of our selection decisions specifically related to improved feed conversion ratio. Learn more how just 1% improvement impacts CO2 emissions and land use throughout the value chain
- And more...
I hope that reading the report inspires you, as it does us, to continue the journey to feed the global population sustainably.