Managing laying hens requires careful attention to a number of areas including the farm environment (ventilation, temperature, lighting) and the type of housing system.
As your flock moves from the rearing phase, to the onset of lay, the birds will have specific needs in their diet and environmental conditions. To ensure that egg production remains high and that birds are eating well, there are a number of resources available to help maintain good performance.
Our technical service team is always available to help you with any management question or answer any questions you may have.

Download the Parent Stock management guide
Parent Stock
Downloads commercial management guides
Cage housing systems
- Commercial management guide cage - EN (10.0 MB)
- Guía de Manejo de Ponedoras alojamiento en jaulas - ES (9.3 MB)
- دليل إدارة القطعان التجارية التسكين في البطاريات - Arabic. (5.2 MB)
- Guide d’élevage Systèmes de production en cages - FR (9.8 MB)
- Руководство по клеточному содержанию коммерческой несушки -RU (6.2 MB)
- Technologická príručka chovu komerčných nosníc Klietkové ustajnenie - SK (9.2 MB)
- Guia de Manejo de Poedeiras em Gaiolas - BRPT (10.2 MB)
- راهنـمای مدیـریــــت مـرغ تخـم گذار تــجـاری نژاد بونز نـگـهداری در قــــفس-Persian (5.7 MB)
Alternative housing systems
- Commercial Management Guide - Alternative Housing Systems (17.3 MB)
- Guía de Manejo en Sistemas Alternativos - SP (16.5 MB)
- Guide d’élevage Systèmes de production alternatifs - FR (16.5 MB)
- Technologická príručka chovu Alternatívne systémy ustajnenia SK (17.3 MB)
- Instrukcja prowadzenia stada, systemy alternatywne - PL (17.2 MB)
- Guia de Manejo de Poedeiras, sistemas alternativos - BrPt (6.9 MB)
- دليل إدارة القطعان التجارية نظم التسكين البديل - Arabic (8.2 MB)
- Руководство По Безклеточному Содержанию Коммерческой Несушки (7.6 MB)
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