Published on Sept. 14, 2021
Layer Vision, Issue 25, now available
This edition of Layer Vision is an exciting one to share with you as this edition is centered on the importance of data. Data collection and data analyses is at the core of our breeding activities, without data we would not be able to make any genetic progress at all. But data insight is not only of added value to poultry breeders, also on hatchery and farm level it can generate new insights and improved understanding of the performance of your flock.
Our colleagues are sharing some interesting data insights on breeding, genetic progress, and management. Next to this we have invited several of our partners to explain more on the data platforms they have developed for the global egg sector, and how these data platforms can help hatcheries and egg producers all over the world to improve their results.
This issue also highlights:
- The inspiring story of INAVISA, our Babcock customer in Guatemala. Thy are driven by data to continuously improve the quality of their operations and their products
- News from Japan, an overview of the latest GUNMA Random Sample Test and the incredible progress of the Hendrix Genetics layer breeds
- 500 eggs in 100 weeks, the Dekalb White did it again, even while they experienced a lockdown
- How egg producers make their contribution to the United Nation Sustainable Development goals
Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy!