Published on April 11, 2024
The come-back of the ISA White in Pakistan
In recent years, the poultry industry in Pakistan has witnessed a remarkable revival with the reintroduction of ISA White laying hen genetic lines by the renowned HB CHICKS. Once overlooked, these flocks have now become the cornerstone of modern egg production, meeting the evolving needs of the Pakistani market with unparalleled efficiency and egg quality. HB CHICKS recognized the potential of the ISA White to revolutionize poultry farming in Pakistan. As one of the importers of Hendrix Genetics Parent Stock, HB CHICKS is the exclusive supplier of day-old ISA White chicks. By choosing the ISA White, they ensure to offer a breed that has all the essential traits for success in the growing Pakistan egg market.
What sets the ISA White apart is its exceptional livability, robust health, and exceptional number of large first-quality eggs. This is the result of the balanced breeding program run by Hendrix Genetics Layers. These balanced traits, combined with the dedication of HB CHICKS, have contributed to its widespread adoption among egg producers across the country. Coupled with its high peak of egg production and outstanding persistency, the ISA White breed has proven to be a reliable and consistent performer, delivering impressive results day after day. One of the key factors driving the popularity of the ISA White is its ability to produce large eggs of superior quality, perfectly suited to meet the demands of the Pakistani consumer. With a focus on egg size, shell strength, and internal egg quality, these ISA White flocks consistently deliver a product that stands out in the market, earning the trust of egg producers nationwide. As the poultry industry continues to evolve, the ISA White has been able to reach a position at the forefront, adapting to changing market dynamics and emerging as the breed of choice for forward-thinking farmers.
During our recent visit to Pakistan, we were invited to see a flock of ISA White laying hens at the Golden Egg Farm, family-owned by Sheikh Abdul Rauf and his son Sheikh Umair. The Golden Egg Farm is home to 65,000 ISA White laying hens in full production. As expected, the flock was performing well according to the expectations of the egg producers. Characterized by low mortality, a good peak of 97.5%, good egg size from an early age onwards, and outstanding egg laying persistency. Compliments also to the egg-producers, they maintained very high standards of farm biosecurity and were milling and mixing their own poultry feed, focusing a lot on feed quality. Day-to-day data was recorded, carefully analyzed by the farm manager, and actively shared with their consulting veterinarians, Dr. Imran Yusuf Maan, Dr. Babar Shahzad, Dr. Hassan Arshad, and Husnain Ashraf from HB CHICKS, who support Golden Egg Farm with extra insights.

As the saying goes, "You never have a second chance to make a first impression," we were very pleased to see that also inside the laying house, the biosecurity measures were well in place. The farm was clean, birds were active and alert, but were overall calm in their behavior, very uniform in their body condition scoring, well-feathered, and uniform beak trimming had taken place. This clearly showed the dedication and commitment of the owners to maximize the potential of their laying hen flock. When visiting the feed mill, we could observe the same high standards of hygiene and biosecurity. Strict rodent and other pest control measures were in place, as well as monitoring of mycotoxin levels and overall feed quality. A water sanitizing installation was installed, as water from their borehole is provided to the laying hens.
In conclusion, the resurgence of the ISA White is not just a story of success but a testament to the ingenuity and vision of HB CHICKS and their dedication to driving innovation in the Pakistani poultry industry. As they continue to lead the way, the ISA White stands as a symbol of genetic progress and global success!