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News Overview
We are thrilled to announce our new collaboration with Poultry School, a leading platform dedicated to advancing education and training in the poultry industry worldwide. This partnership aligns with…
In a landmark decision welcomed by health-conscious individuals and egg enthusiasts worldwide, eggs have been officially recognized as meeting the updated definition of “healthy” by the U.S. Food and…
As 2024 comes to a close, we take this moment to reflect on a year filled with both challenges and achievements. This year reminded us of the resilience of the egg industry, the strength …
One of our biggest priorities at Hendrix Genetics is our commitment to continuous innovation. We are very proud to present the results of our latest step in accelerating genetic progress: the develop…
Eggs are more than just a staple food, they unite us all. As one of the most efficient and sustainable sources of protein, eggs contribute to food security, economic growth, and nutritional health wo…
Dear Valued Customers, Industry Partners, & Industry Friends.It is with deep sadness and a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of our dear colleague and friend, Arian Groot, who passed …
Hendrix Genetics Layers is proud to announce the successful completion of the first Dubai Technical Training School, held from July 1st to 3rd. After many successful events in Europe, this was our fi…
Gemilang Farms, nestled in the heart of Central Java, stands as a testament to dedication and innovation in the Indonesian layer industry. Led by Mr. Prasojo and his three brothers, this third-genera…
Pioneering Research in Laying Hen Individuality at the Division of Animal Welfare at the University of Bern.Are you passionate about advancing animal welfare and genetics? The University of Bern invi…
At Hendrix Genetics, our commitment to excellence drives every aspect of our breeding programs. We take pride in continuously advancing the field of poultry genetics, ensuring that our breeds not onl…
Vepymo B.V. and Maatman Opfok B.V. have agreed upon a strategic partnership regarding pullet rearing and sales activities in the Netherlands. Both parties are delighted to engage in this intensive co…
Nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of Costa Rica, Granja Roblealto stands as a beacon of hope, bridging the gap between sustainable agriculture and community development. Established in 1967, Gran…
In recent years, the poultry industry in Pakistan has witnessed a remarkable revival with the reintroduction of ISA White laying hen genetic lines by the renowned HB CHICKS. Once overlooked, these fl…
Welcome to the latest edition of Layer Vision Magazine. In this edition we will take you along a series of engaging stories, via which we try to explain our ongoing efforts in genetic selection and t…
Easter, a time of renewal and tradition, is celebrated worldwide with a variety of customs that reflect the diversity of cultures. Among these, the egg stands out as a universal symbol of new life an…
In the idyllic landscapes of the Netherlands, where lush fields meet bustling cities, a pressing concern casts its shadow over the livelihoods of livestock farmers. Nitrogen emissions or more specifi…
As we approach the end of 2023, it's time to reflect on the past 12 months and look ahead. This year has brought unprecedented challenges, including high inflation, an unstable financial climate…
In ovo vaccination is a technique used in the poultry industry to administer vaccines to developing embryos inside fertilized eggs before they hatch. This method has gained popularity due to its effi…
China’s egg industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent decades, with a shift from relying solely on imported layer breeds to cultivating local breeds that cater to domestic market d…
In the picturesque countryside of Featherton Farms, the Meck family legacy thrives. For three generations, they have cultivated a tradition of producing top-quality table eggs. The farm's evolut…
The global egg market serves as a vital pillar in the agriculture and food industry, furnishing an affordable and versatile protein source to people worldwide. Within this landscape, the interplay of…
Greetings to all the dedicated individuals contributing to the global egg industry! As we gather to commemorate this year’s World Egg Day, the resounding theme “Eggs for a Healthy Future” beckons us …
The presence of eggs in many countries population's diets is steadily growing, ensuring that there are at least 365 opportunities each year to enjoy this nutritious food at our tables
On July 25th, PT Sapta Karya Megah (SKM), the distributor of ISA Brown in East Java, joined forces with Ceva Animal Health and Hendrix Genetics Layers Indonesia to host an exciting seminar in Surabay…
We are proud and delighted to announce that last week we were able to add 8 more companies as members of our ”500 egg Club".
On June 16, 2023, a momentous occasion took place in Sleman, Yogyakarta, as the International Training Center for Cage-Free and Innovation Welfare Hub was officially inaugurated. The opening speech f…
In Europe and North America there has been a strong consumer demand to take welfare into account in animal production. Table egg consumption patterns have seen a major shift from cage to non-cage pro…
From June 7 to June 9, Hendrix Genetics proudly participated together with our distributors in the Philippines at the 2023 ILDEX Show, offering our support and technical expertise throughout the even…
It is with great pleasure to welcome Devo-ei as one of our latest members to the Dekalb 500 egg club. Their organic flock, that was born back in the spring of 2021 and consisting of almost 18.000 Dek…
Public attention to the welfare of laying hens over the previous decades/years in Europe/USA has been fostering a transition away from conventional cage housing systems. This has resulted in the shif…
We are very pleased to publish our second Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report. This report gives a detailed overview of our efforts in sustainability and the ways in which we are making a po…
We are pleased to welcome Pelayo Casanovas to the position of Managing Director for Hendrix Genetics Layers.
Mitecontrol is a European research project to develop effective and sustainable treatment approaches to control PRM infestation using an integrated pest management (IPM) approach.
Vepymo, a distributor of the Hendrix Genetics breeds in Belgium and the Netherlands will install In Ovo’s Ella® egg sexing technology equipment inside its hatchery coming summer. In Ovo is a Dutch Ag…
Last month we participated in the yearly feed meeting organized by our distributor, Swedfarm, in Sweden. The goal of this meeting is to stay in touch with the different feed suppliers that are active…
Earlier this year, Hendrix Genetics and Orbem announced the successful launch of Orbem’s Genus Focus system in the Hendrix Genetics laying hen hatchery in Mûr-de-Bretagne (France). Orbem was founded …
The shifting of the seasons has started, and we are well underway in 2023. We are dealing with a turbulent world market, todays’ economic environment is characterized by instability, uncertainty, and…
During long weekends it can be fun to experiment with baking. That's why we would like to share this recipe of Chicken Meringue Cupcakes with you. You can tell we have an affinity for eggs and c…
BOXMEER, The Netherlands – March 28, 2023 – In 2022 Hendrix Genetics announced the appointment of Richard Maatman as Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Hendrix Genetics and mentioned that Richar…
A few years back, Hendrix Genetics Layers decided to start the PRIMA Project after consulting with customers and colleagues. The need for a powerful and easy tool to collect data has always been clea…
We have asked one of the PRIMA users to share his experiences with the PRIMA application. We’re grateful that mr. Rukudzo Matasira, took the time for an interview about his experience with PRIMA.
The Ethiopian adventure started in 2015 when Arend Hardeman, a successful Dutch entrepreneur, and CEO of the similarly named company Hardeman Egg Group, took ownership of Maranatha farm, a commercial…
Our developers have worked hard to develop new features and include more species and multiple genetic levels in PRIMA. Discover the latest released features related to the multigeneration and multi-s…
Cage-free housing systems are becoming increasingly popular in Europe and the Northern America’s. In general, these cage-free housing systems provide more space and freedom of movement compared to tr…
We are pleased to announce that Neal Martin has joined Hendrix-ISA LLC as General Manager as per September 12th 2022. In this position Neal will lead and further develop our fully owned layer distrib…
One of our poultry research partners, the University of Bern, is looking for a PhD candidate on chicken behavior and welfare. Applicants are sought for a PhD candidate as part of a funded three-year …
Recently we (PT ISA Indonesia & PT Sapta Karya Megah, SKM) visited Central Java to promote our ISA Brown in this area (approximately 25 million Layers). As of historical reasons this area has bee…
Four Dutch-based animal breeding companies (TOPIGS, CRV, Hendrix Genetics and Cobb Europe) are prominent global players in animal breeding. These companies, in collaboration with the Animal Breeding …
The results of the balanced Breeding program of Hendrix Genetics are clearly showing of in todays’ market. The Dekalb White participated in the 16th Random Sample Test of layer hybrids in cage-free h…
Feed Design Lab is the leading practical research and education center for innovation and sustainability in the animal feed sector. Over 100 companies from across the animal feed sector, and from all…
The poultry sector in Tanzania is emerging steadily both in indigenous and exotic chicken and has great potential. For the past few years, Tanzania’s population has been growing rapidly increasing th…
Since October 2020, H5Nx lineage of HPAI has spread across Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia and is a threat to spread into North America. The uncontrolled spread of these viruses through…
2022 is well on its way, a year that clearly shows how dynamic the egg industry can be and the big differences in egg markets around the globe. From record high egg prices in the US (impact HPAI), to…
Happy World Egg Day!What a great day to put the egg, versatile on so many aspects, in the spotlight! We hope you will crack an egg, or two or maybe three on this special day. As it are challenging ti…
A few years ago we started our LinkedIn journey. Our LinkedIn mission is to connect to the global egg-industry, from egg producers, to egg packers, from consumers to distributors, from poultry nutrit…
SPACE: the international Show for LivestockSPACE is a professional agricultural exhibition for all animal breeding stakeholders: bovine (dairy and beef), poultry, pig, rabbits, sheep, goat and fish …
On Friday 14 October, egg fans worldwide will celebrate the power of the egg and all its nutritional, environmental and societal benefits.
Open Philanthropy, a foundation based in California, USA, will support animal welfare scientist Michael J Toscano of the University of Bern and industrial collaborators. The funding of $2.7 million w…
Hendrix Genetics is partnering with Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, to test the viability of an innovative point of lay sex sorting technology for the egg laying industry.
Despite all the challenges that the SAPPSA project faced in relation to the impact of COVID-19, the project is still going strong. Since the start of the project steady progress has been made, not ju…
VIV Europe is worldwide recognized as the top one platform for the poultry industry and a truly international B2B event for all professionals in the egg and poultry industry.
In line with our previous updates and new releases of management guides, our team of technical poultry experts have also updated the Parent Stock guide. Latest insights on Biosecurity, rearing, Male …
Many of us celebrate the power of the egg every day at breakfast, lunch for dinner or as a snack, so why is the month of May known as National Egg Month? In general, egg sales are the highest during …
During the previous MIAVIT Podcast episode we talked about the genetic potential and the importance of a good quality pullet. Today Estella Leentfaar will tell us more about the production period. Es…
At Hendrix Genetics we love field data, and we are curious to know how our breeds perform in the field. At the same time, we would like our PRIMA users to understand the potential of our PRIMA app. T…
This recipe for egg cheese originated from eastern Europe and is typically served at Easter time. It goes by various names including hrudka, cirak, sirok, sirecz and more. Essentially, it's a ba…
Leading free range packer, Stonegate Farmers, has launched what it is claiming is the UK’s first carbon neutral egg brand: Respectful. Respectful brand adopts several practices and policies that embr…
The aim of every egg producer is to achieve optimum, top quality eggs. But what do you need to consider in order to reach the genetic potential? The rearing period, in particular, is often underestim…
Individual chicken or flock behavior can be the result of individual factors, often it is a combination of multiple factors. In general, a laying hen can cope with moderate stress, such as rises or f…
Just few years have passed since we visited the Quicken family to handover the first award of reaching the 500 eggs in 100 weeks. We were very pleased when we received the field results from his most…
Chi Farms Ltd., an agribusiness company and a member of TGI Group, has announced its partnership expansion with Hendrix Genetics, which will increase the production of layer day-old chicks in Nigeria.
The International Egg Commission (IEC) is launching a new global initiative to develop the reputation of the egg on an international scale. Vision 365 is a 10-year plan to accelerate global average e…
We have received great news from Mercoaves, one of our excellent distributors in Brazil: a flock of Bovans White achieved 509 eggs in a single 100-week life cycle, and a flock of ISA Brown achieved a…
Global Food Partners (GFP), a Singapore-based consulting firm specializing in cage-free egg production, and Hendrix Genetics/PT Indonesia, a leading multi-species animal breeding company, have announ…
We are pleased to share with you the latest edition of Layer Vision. In this edition of Layer Vision, we will be focusing a lot on our customers from all around the globe and share many of their insp…
Consumers are increasingly aware of the production systems for laying hens and have strong opinions on what is favorable for a hen’s welfare. This has resulted in a move towards non-cage housing sys…
The 2022 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) will be held in person from Jan. 25 – 27 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. IPPE’s show management’s goal is to safely bri…
During this final week of 2021 it is time to look back at our accomplishments of the past year. What a great year it has been when looking to our digital support activities! Thank you so much for usi…
As the end of the year is approaching fast, it is a moment for us to say Thank You. Thank You to all our valued customers, Thank You to our industry and research partners, and Thank You to all who fo…
As a major player in the US egg industry we are committed to continuously improve the sustainability of the egg industry and the welfare of our animals. As we cannot do this solely we are actively co…
Last month we were invited by our Danish Distributor Top Æg ApS to provide presentations during the technical seminar that they organized for the Danish egg sector. The technical experts of Hendrix G…
Paine Schwartz Partners, a global leader in sustainable food chain investing, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with respect to a new strategic investment by Paine Schwa…
HenTrack is a research project that focuses on the identification of laying hen behavior related to laying hen welfare in cage-free housing systems. The goal is to improve the current breeding method…
One of our all-time favorite festive recipes containing eggs: egg biryani made with the help of the pressure cooker and using basic everyday ingredients like rice, eggs, yogurt, spices and masala. Th…
Data coming from Random Sample Tests (RST) are one of the most objective proof of genetic progress over the years. Earlier this year, we presented the summary of 60 years of Random Sample Testing at …
The latest global data shows a continuous growth in egg production worldwide, with a 3.5% growth from 2018 to 2019. This is slightly higher compared to the average yearly increase of 3.3% over the la…
It is no secret that insight in daily water and feed intake is essential to steer chick development and egg production. We observe that proper monitoring of water intake is too often neglected. While…
To celebrate World Food Day on 16 October, the UN has named eggs as one of its two star ingredients and developed a new film to promote the power of eggs. This offers a unique opportunity for the egg…
This year’s World Egg Day celebrates the brilliant versatility of the egg and its vast variety of benefits to people at every age and stage of life. The egg is one of the most nutrient-dense natural …
We are regularly told how important it is to eat a balanced diet; we need protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and nutrients. Fruit, vegetables, nuts and dairy naturally spring to mind, and combi…
Scrambled or poached for breakfast, hard-boiled on a sandwich for lunch… in a frittata for a lazy dinner..., or used in a delicious sponge cake or tiramisu. Eggs are among the most versatile, time-sa…
Eggs are among the cheapest and highest valuable animal protein available around the globe. A large variety of delicious food can be made from eggs. Traditionally and currently, there are remarkable …
This filling Egg Bowl is made with scrambled eggs and avocado. It is a delicious combination for really any meal of the day.
Ensuring everyone in the world has access to a nutritious diet in a sustainable way is one of the greatest challenges we face. For an agricultural activity to be counted as sustainable agriculture, i…
A poultry farm generates a lot of data, day in day out. Daily feed intake, growth, egg production, are just few of the data being recorded on the farm. This data can be of great value to your managem…
On Wednesday, September 22 and Thursday September 23, 2021, Seamorgh Co. organised a full two-day Bovans White seminar for their extensive staff and management in Tehran, Iran.
Our collaboration with Proavisa is in place for many decades. We are very proud that companies like Proavisa, have made the choice for our laying hen genetics. Proavisa is built on the fundament of Q…
This edition of Layer Vision is an exciting one to share with you as this edition is centered on the importance of data. Data collection and data analyses is at the core of our breeding activities, w…
It is no surprise that eggs have regained their positive image. Eggs provide an exceptional protein source as well as fatty acids and a large range of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds th…
SPACE is one of the biggest livestock trade fairs in the world. The future SPACE 2021 will be staged between the dates of the 14th to the 16th of September at the Parc des expositions de Rennes (Fran…
This year’s World Egg Day celebrates the brilliant versatility of the egg and its vast variety of benefits to people at every age and stage of life. It is no secret that the egg is one of the most nu…
It is no secret that the laying hen breeds from Hendrix Genetics can be kept longer and longer with each new generation, but It is also no secret that it takes dedication and careful attention from t…
Insects are emerging as a more sustainable source of protein thanks to their lower environmental impact and high nutritional value. The European Union is set to allow insect-derived protein to be fed…
It is no secret that the egg sector knows how to efficiently produce animal protein. Eggs are not only nutritious, but they are also produced using the fewest of resources.
The poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae, is a major threat to the global egg sector, in particular to Europe. The prevalence of poultry red mite is extremely high and increasing; more than 9…
Contributing to sustainable food production, animal welfare, addressing antimicrobial resistance, and protecting animal health and welfare are several of the core values embraced by the global poultr…
Being aware of the current pandemic situation and despite the limitations and restrictions that this entails, we know that animal production is essential in order to provide high quality animal prote…
Winston Westcott, a much-loved veteran of the poultry sector passed away unexpectedly, at his home in Somerset, on Wednesday 14 April 21. After a lifetime in farming and poultry, Winston was well kno…
During the past decade, the highest growth in the world’s egg production took place in (semi-) tropical regions. Asia, Africa, south and central America are the continents that have experienced massi…
Housing systems of laying hens have changed significantly in the last decades. In Europe, Oceania and the Northern America’s, a steady increase has been shown in keeping laying hens in cage-free hous…
Frittatas are the ultimate weekend or Easter brunch recipe as they’re very easy to make. We will share a recipe to make a perfect frittata. Making frittata allows you to be creative with food, especi…
On average, one male chick is born for each laying hen bred. In many countries across the globe, the “brother males” are not used for meat production as they fierce strong competition from the highly…
In 2021, the UN Secretary General will convene a Food Systems Summit to launch ‘bold new actions’ to transform the way the world produces and consumes food, delivering progress on the UN Sustainable …
With the continuously growing world population, the demand for eggs is expected to grow at least as fast. Their high nutritional value, their overall availability and their long-lasting shelf life, c…
In this edition of Layer Vision we discuss our collaboration on trending topics facing the egg industry. Recently, we are seeing more interest in parts of Europe to grow male layers. A practice that …
On 20 February 2021, Russian authorities reported the detection of influenza A(H5N8) virus infection in seven poultry workers in an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N8) virus …
Peter van Horne, economic analyst of the International Egg Commission presented the latest trends and developments of the global egg industry last October for the IEC community. The Full presentation…
Consumers increasingly want to know where the food they consume comes from. To meet this requirement, processors and the food trade are demanding the traceability of each individual lot over the enti…
The yearly survey, performed by Egg Industry (WATTPoultry),shows that the top 68 US egg producers have added 3 million birds in 2020. When looking to the December 22, 2020, USDA Chicken and Eggs repo…
Already since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak it has been suggested that COVID-19 risk and severity is increased in Vitamin D deficient patients. Having sufficient levels of vitamin D plays a …
Saudi Arabia is self-sufficient in the production of their eggs. They export their surplus of eggs, mainly to other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Nearly all the birds are housed in conven…
It has been more than 60 years since the 1st tests at the North Carolina Random Sample Egg Laying Test were performed. The very first tests were conducted in 1958, and the most recent tests (40th) ha…
Marek's disease is an important neoplastic disease in birds caused by a serotype 1 specific herpesvirus; it is controlled by vaccination. In commercial breeders and layers in Brazil, current vac…
We are pleased to announce that Hendrix Genetics Layers will support HenTrack, an innovative research project led by Dr. Michael Toscano, the Group Leader of the Center of proper Housing of Poultry a…
Egg snowmen are made of hard-boiled eggs (the whites), filled with the traditional “devil” egg yolks. They are easy to prepare, fun to make together with your (grand)children, inexpensive to make and…
Achieving good results with your flock depends highly on the health status of your birds. A good health status is very important for two main reasons: Healthy animals are more efficient producers, as…
Liver condition is extremely important for an excellent egg production, as the egg yolk is produced by the liver. A healthy liver is linked with a high egg production capacity. The liver is involved …
A free-range ISA Brown laying hen from the Spanish region of La Serena has produced an egg of 182 grams. Imagine this is almost three times larger than a regular egg, and most interesting of all, the…
Hendrix Genetics, global multi-species animal genetics company, announces the appointment of Jolanda van Haarlem as Chief Executive Officer. She will join Hendrix Genetics as from March 1, 2021 and a…
The National Egg & Poultry Awards is a prestigious awards ceremony backed by the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC) and the British Poultry Council (BPC). They honor and reflect achievement, ex…
Russia is one of the largest egg-producing countries in the world, being home to around 125,000,000 laying hens in 2018. Most are housed in conventional cage systems, and while it is mostly slanted t…
As the world is fighting against an invisible enemy (COVID-19), we realize even better that the poultry sector is doing this all the time. Now we are so focused on Covid-19 we should not forget the b…
In effort to support our growing West Coast business, Hendrix Genetics is pleased to announce that we are strengthening our Technical Service Support Team with the new addition of Breq Bedell.
Global consumers continue to grow increasingly concerned about where their food comes from and how it is produced. This trend is especially influential on egg production and the housing systems in wh…
Poultry are kept all over the world for various reasons. They are one of the cheapest sources of animal protein and can be kept by anyone, even in backyards. All over the world, brown, black and whit…
The Dekalb did it again, 503.3 eggs per hen housed in even less than 99 weeks! Another flock of Dekalb White has reached an impressive milestone; they have been able to produce an average of 503.3 eg…
Breeding laying hens is not just about selecting the best birds for improved persistency, higher productivity or better livability. Breeding the perfect egg is essential when it comes to breeding lay…
For centuries, eggs have played a major role in feeding families around the globe. They are an unbeatable package when it comes to versatility and top-quality protein at a very affordable price. And …
Eggs are packed in protein and rich in nutrients, and luckily one of the most affordable superfoods you can buy. Next to nutritious, they are also super delicious! Below we have listed some amazing f…
First of all, we hope that you, your families, friends and your colleagues are in good health in these challenging times. The COVID-19 virus has also affected us and our beloved ones, but let’s hope …
Kipster claims to be the most animal and environmentally friendly poultry farm in the world, and it just might be. The concept, which puts hen health and welfare at the heart of the business, distanc…
Extended laying period for laying hens, where do we stand in 2020?
503.3 eggs per hen housed in even less than 99 weeks!
Profitability of a layer flock will certainly depend on the ability to produce high number of first quality eggs of the most suitable size for each market. Egg producers usually make their decisions …
Mexico is well known for its rich history, pleasant weather, pristine beaches and vibrant culture, but did you know that Mexico is also one of the biggest table egg producers in the world?
Westwind Poultry Farm’s mission is summed up as “working to hatch a better tomorrow”.
Hendrix Genetics is one of 20 partners working together as part of The ChickenStress European Training Network (ETN)
Genetic progress in laying hens has never been so clearly visible in the field throughout the past decades.
by Mu Shi JiBeijing NongXiao Poultry Industry imported 13,000 ISA GPS chicks
The success of the continuous supply of day-old chicks is highly dependent on both fertility and hatchability.
The management guide for alternative housing systems has been updated by our team of technical experts.
A flock of 32.000 Dekalb White birds reached 500.1 eggs at the age of 100 weeks at Wellington Farm in Bishops Frome (UK). Despite the harsh climatic conditions, e.g. it is raining more than 50% of th…
During the Atlanta Poultry Show, Hendrix Genetics recognised an egg producer from Honduras with an award for their excellence in egg production. They have managed a flock of more than 90.000 Dekalb W…
The pavlova cake has been popular since it was created more than a century ago, it truly is an all-time favorite. Many varieties are known, but the Lemon Pavlova works so well because the sweetness o…
All over the world, eggs continue to be an important source of protein. Affordable, nutritious and versatile, no matter your culture, eggs have a place on the global menu. However, each region has th…
As 2019 draws to a close and we enter a new decade in 2020, we’d like to reflect on past accomplishments and plans for the new year. Throughout another busy year, it has been an honor and a pleasure …
As a result of the large diversity in the potential uses of eggs and the subsequent demands of the consumer, it is quite a challenge to define egg quality according to everyone’s standard.
As members of the egg industry, we're proud to take a day to celebrate the power of the egg: World Egg Day 2019.
We’re pleased to highlight another successful flock that has surpassed 500 eggs per hen housed. Schothorst Feed Research is an independent research organization, based in the Netherlands, that develo…
A multi-million European-wide project to improve the conditions of egg-laying chickens has launched today, coinciding with World Animal Day.
We have so many great stories to share from the last few months in the laying hen world.
It is with great pleasure that we recognize the first Dekalb White to reach over 500 eggs within 100 weeks of age in an organic system.
The Huang family, founders of Young Kong Farms, visited the Ploufragan head office in France.
The transition to cage-free housing has left many egg producers in the US and Canada with questions on how to implement this new system successfully. For egg producers that have used the same systems…
We know that eggs are a nutrient-dense food, a rich source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin D, vitamin B12, selenium and choline. However, scientific opinion on th…
When we started our breeding mission of reaching 500 eggs in 100 weeks, we were aiming to achieve this by the year 2020.
All Hendrix Genetics Layers' breeding complexes, GPS farms, rearing farms, and hatcheries in the Netherlands have been awarded AI Free compartment status by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product A…
On July 28th, in his 98th year, Dr. Donald Shaver passed away in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Donald Shaver was the founder of Shaver Poultry Breeding Farms and was known as an icon and pioneer in the…